Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Monitoring, Evaluating, and Reporting on the Project

1.   Write a list of the major assumptions you have made in designing your project. Identify 3 key things you want to learn more about.
The following major assumptions have been made in preparation of the project:
  • The Project Budget Analysis.
  • The project will be constructed in six phases as per the activities.
  • The systems and materials will be previously planned.
  • The project will bring positive behavior to the people in the community.
  • The youths will be encouraged in saving the trees.
  • Sustainability of the project will be carried on.
  • Links to the Community bases organizations will be enhanced.
  • People will start their own work.
The three key things I would like to learn more is about:
  • The reason behind people not aware about environment and importance of trees.
  • Youths are not taught any environmental protection activities in their schools.
  • People cutting trees for their livelihood.
2. Following the 8 steps in this module, develop an evaluation plan for your project

Project title: Friends of Environment

Project Manager: Surya Gaire

Purpose of evaluation: 

  •          To assess project result
  •          To improve project management and process planning
  •          To promote learning
  •          To ensure accountability
  •          To understand different stakeholders perspective
  •          To assess the outcome of the project
Involvement of Stakeholders:

  • Students’ knowledge regarding the environment will be increased.
  • The life of the community people will be easier.
  • Start a forestation.
  • The quality of life of people.
  1. To form eco-clubs in 5 schools within the community in 2011.
  2. To involve 100 eco-clubs students in open orientation program in schools and public areas in 2011.
  3.  To implement 10 campaigns within the community in 2011 to achieve positive behavior change among students and community people. 
Evidence required
How often/
Obtained from
People started planting trees
Each month/After completition of project
Training to volunteers
Once in 6 month
Eco-clubs sustainability
At the end of the project

Evaluation tools and techniques to be used:
Evaluation tools: Questionnaire, evaluation matrices, timeline
Evaluation techniques: Interviews, meetings, feedbacks.

Baseline information required:
-The total schools present in the community.
-Numbers of student in each school.
-The literacy rate of the people.
-People involved in deforestation.
-Total population in the village.

Logistical & resource considerations:
Time – Takes around 8 weeks to complete
Money – Fundraising activities will be conducted and sponsors are ready.
People – Hierarchy of people are already present in the project.

Approach to the analysis of information:
The analysis of information will be done in both qualitative and quantitative methods. All the information obtained from discussions, recommendations and meeting will be used for improvement of project. Some potential issues we are already aware of and need to look out for include:
  • The people involved in deforestation.
  • They don’t have hands on income generation activities.
  • Schools children are not aware about environment.
Reporting and communication of outcomes / learning:
The reporting of the final project will be done with the stakeholders. All the team members and stakeholders will share the final project and submit it to the donor for funding. The project secretary is responsible for the reporting. Stakeholders should be communicated about the next step to be done. The evaluation should be able to provide appropriate outcome. The information gained by me will be disseminated to the team members, volunteers and stakeholders for addition of each view to bring out the quality project.


  1. Hello Surya,

    I really love your initiative to fight for the conservation of the environment since very many people are ignoring the fact that we really need to guide our environment. I just have a small comment to make about your evaluation strategy. You may need to draw up the evidence required for each of the objectives so that way you ensure all of the them are evaluated properly.


  2. Thanks for the comment and suggestion, I will try my best to improve in final submission.
