Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Assignment 1B

Title of My Project:
“Friends Of Environment”

To deliver skill- based awareness and education programs which encourage positive behavior change about the environment.

Magnitude of Problem:
 I aim to address the following problems in my community.
*      Lack of conservation of the natural aspects of the environment which directly influences the quality of life of people.
*      Environmental health problem may exist as a result of dirty water, inefficient sewage management, and unstable population growth.
*      Beyond human health, the ecosystem destruction is the main reason behind the lack of awareness about the environments.
*      Encourage people to plant trees rather than cutting for their livelihood and generate simple works for the income generation.

Community will get rid of economic problem and will be laden with skill based employment (hands on work). To make community aware about the environment and the impact it creates. 

1.    To form eco-clubs in 5 schools within the community in 2011.
This helps to achieve the aim by engaging the school children will help them and their parents to aware about the environment and the result of its adverse effect in their health.
2.    To involve 100 eco-clubs students in open orientation program in schools and public areas in 2011.
The students who are engaged in program will act as an example in their own community that helps to prevent the environment from being destructive.
3.    To implement 10 campaigns within the community in 2011 to achieve positive behavior change among students and community people.
This helps the people in the community to gain life skilled educations for their income generating activities as a result of which the environment is protected. Through the student the people will be taught how to do hand on works and other vocational training will be given. The campaigns that will have positive change will be implemented so that we can gain positive behavior change among community people.

Nepal is one of the developing countries relying heavily on its forest resources to meet its demand for energy. Rural areas account for about 80% of total energy requirements of the country most of which is for cooking. In developing countries like Nepal, the big majority of the   energy that is needed for cooking purposes comes from biomass (mainly wood and charcoal). This Biomass is used in very inefficient stove and wasting a lot of energy.

The target beneficiaries of the project were rural community people of Sangla districts of Nepal who are deprived form various environmental awareness. 

1 comment:

  1. Congrtz guy,

    I've liked so much of your project, firstly because the environment is very important in our lifes and also, the world needs of projects which aims the protection. Our sons are going to thank us.
    If you need...I'm here.


    Lucas Ramos
