Sunday, February 20, 2011

Final Project Plan

"Friends of Environment"

Surya Gaire

“Friends of Environment” focuses on making difference in the community through wide range of effort initiated by the school children that creates an impact in the community. This project addresses the various problems faced by the local people. The core problem for creation of this project is the lack of awareness on environment and its conservation.  Various causes that are responsible for this problem includes- lack of funds, insufficient information, lack of policy support and governmental will, lack of involvement of children in environmental issues etc. This may create negative impact within the community, country as well as in the whole world. Destruction of environment, conflict at International level, poor resource management etc are the impacts that are visible due to such causes and problem. The ultimate goal of this project is to deliver skill- based awareness and education programs to the school children which encourage positive behavior change about the environment among the people in the community. This project directly or indirectly helps to improve the quality of life of people, maintain population growth, ecosystem conservation and conservation of trees.  

Nepal is one of the developing countries relying heavily on its forest resources to meet its demand for energy. Rural areas account for about 80% of total energy requirements of the country most of which is for cooking. In developing countries like Nepal, the big majority of the   energy that is needed for cooking purposes comes from biomass (mainly wood and charcoal). This Biomass is used in very inefficient stove and wasting a lot of energy. Deforestation has become threat to Nepal. It is estimated that ten trees are cut down for every one tree planted in the world today. Although, much of the third world, including Nepal, is largely responsible for this rapid deforestation, the whole world suffers. Now only 29% of forest-cover remains. About 87% of domestic energy in Nepal is produced by firewood. Wood is used for cooking and, during winter, also for heating. (WWF)
According to a survey done by Nepal’s Central Bureau of Statistics, most urban residents’ garbage management as the most important environmental problem in urban areas and leading the influences to rural areas. The high prevalence of respiration related diseases (Chronic bronchitis and others) among women population in Nepal was probably primarily found due to their exposure of smoke while cooking, studies revealed.
25.4% or about 3,636,000 ha of Nepal are forested. Of this 1.2% (43,000 ha) is classified as primary forest, the most biodiversity and carbon-dense form of forest. Nepal had 43,000 ha of planted forest. Change in Forest Cover: Between 1990 and 2010, Nepal lost an average of 59,050 ha or 1.23% per year. In total, between 1990 and 2010, Nepal lost 24.5% of its forest cover or around 1,181,000 ha.